Don’t Be
    the Drunk at the eMarketing Party

    Written by Dan Gray, 4499 days ago, 1,099 Comments

    With the evolution of daily deals website, it seems as digital marketers, that we are having to fight for our consumers attention more than ever.

    But are we not already at saturation point where subscribers are receiving way more content than they can digest, often in formats that are brash and almost rude? Does it not seem that email marketing has lost all the quality with business just looking for a quick return for no effort?

    When did it become OK as a business to bombard users with messages they really are not interested in? Surely as digital marketers we must realise that when a user opts into your program, it is the start of a relationship where the customer wants you to provide them with value.

    I think its important to remember the relationship that the customer has allowed your business to have with them. Its personal and its not to be taken for granted. So quite simply, don’t abuse the good faith of your subscribers by bombarding them with material just because they initially opted in to your program. A subscription does not guarantee an open, much less a conversion!